Here and There

By March 5, 2007Archives, Opinion

City’s needed expansion thru Speaker JdV’s CF

By Gerry Garcia

THERE has been an unexpected surge in this city’s business sectors after the devastating quake in 1990 as business establishments mushroomed within Dagupan’s limited land area of less than 50 square kilometers resulting in tremendous traffic and its attendant lack of parking space for local and transient vehicles.

The new Dawel-Pantal-Lucao road extending from the foot of the Dawel Bridge is a convenient arc around the crowded city proper which provides great relief to motorists from the east whose intended destinations, like Lingayen or Alaminos City, are in the western part of the province. This new road, which has been recently inaugurated by officials led by Pres. Gloria Macapagal, former DPWH Sec. Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., and Immigration Commissioner Al Fernandez Jr., is the second   major infrastructure built from Speaker Joe de Venecia’s CDF, the other being the much longer alternate highway (Judge Jose de Venecia Highway) between Calasiao and Dagupan where business establishments have been mushrooming.

What is delightfully surprising is that the new 5-km Dawel-Lucao road’s paving has finally started.

Meanwhile the city administration’s plan to expand the city’s range southward by building  two more bridges across Pantal river linking Bacayao del  Norte and Bacayao del Sur to the city proper is still in the blue print stage.

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The more gladdening news, however, comes from balikbayan Alfredo Dawana from San Francisco, California. Dawana who is apparently staying here for good was a former councilor and president of the Association of Barangay Captains here. He tells us how US-based Dagupeños and Pangasinenses are ecstatic about their home-city’s expansion physically and businesswise. They are all praises for Mayor BSL’s giving their city metro-style sophistication but are grateful to Speaker Joe for his complementary expansion projects.

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