A corrupt belief

By July 11, 2011Punch Forum

10 July 2011


Re: A indicative form of idiocy

I almost forgot to respond to your below-par-bordering-on-irrational-analysis … Sr. Villafania … about what’s a myth and the explicit actuality on what happened, that an advocate like you could swallow while choking you to death.

Literature, Mr. Villafania? It’s HISTORY, my dear fellow, and your grasp of events – is most wanting.

The evolution of Greece in the annals of modern governance – allow me to educate you here – didn’t surface not because of mythical gods and goddesses, but because of the likes of Cicero and Demosthenes, who were of factual Grecian flesh and blood.

Although Wm. Tell was a legend, he was the representation of the undying, uncomprising dreams of the Helvetii to fight against Gessler and his Austrian occupiers, that gave rise to the complete independence of the Swiss.

How about Urduja? Just a corrupt belief on something unproven.

By the way, your self-serving claim – you’re Pangasinan’s “illustrious” writer borders on …. megalomania.

Your choice of Pangasinan words are products of your imagination, as you walk alone blindly into the tunnel of fantasy.

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