The cattle rustlers’ modus operandi
Ronaldo Castanaga
16 March 2010
Re: A stupid idea
Is this Mayor Resuello, a binabai suffering from a sleep apnea who doesn’t know a thing to solve cattle rustling?
You don’t need that many guns. In our barangay, we set up a team of volunteers (total of 6 gunghos lightly armed with 2 shotguns and flashlights). We studied the rustlers’ trails and escape routes and charted them so we know where to fire our guns when challenged and trap them if needed.
Our strategy is a simple Katipunero sting operation using a fatten cow to attract rustlers that’s loosely tied down to a peg near a nipa hut along a perimeter road. It took some patience and in a week or two, we caught 2 of a harden band of rustlers.
Our investigation revealed, 2 does the leg work to steal then transfer the cow to the next 2, like in a relay, to outside of the town limit for transport. We caught 2 rustlers without even firing a single shot. The news spread like wild fire and since then, no more rustling ever occurred in our barrio.
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