Mental evaluation as a factor

By March 10, 2010Punch Forum

Jose Ceralde
10 March 2010


Did you read your last posting before you replied again? Here is what you posted:

You state, “personnel are trained in the buddy system to report any change in behavior or any events an individual they are working with may have to include family stress.” Fine. Big Brother may be O.K. if you’re on a plane waiting to drop the bomb”

Now you ask this? “Pray tell what the Christmas bomber has to do with a nuclear reactor. There was information that was not followed that allowed the bomber to board the plane.” Now you could answer this one right?

If you cannot follow the logic of your posting then let me assist you. Since you were implying that you have to be in a bomber aircraft to worry about safety, I said picture yourself being with the Christmas bomber in a passenger plane and not necessary with a secured bomber. Then on this posting you wrote, “Also, mental evaluation of the passengers was not a factor that the fourth 911 plane did not reach its intended target.”

First of all if the plane was a bomber aircraft, where mental evaluation is required and if it wasn’t, none of them would be on the plane because the fire triangle that was engrained to sailors would have been broken. Only thing they need is break one of the elements right?

Just as I said about use of nuclear technology in my previous posting. I may advocate for it because I have worked with it and lived with it but my concerns are what a lot of our fellow posters have stated in the Forum and SP editor had clearly articulated.

Answer our concerns and we may follow you like the Pied Piper of old. Our nation may hail you as the son of Philippine Nuclear age someday if the Congressman is the father.

Adios my friend, I would now let other fellow SP posters reply to you so I may follow the Toyota cases on TV you questioned me about before.

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