An overkill

By December 6, 2009Punch Forum

Ronaldo Castanaga
6 Dec 2009

Re: A useless exercise

Decommissioning or shutdown of the San Roque Dam is an overkill. Suing the dam operating engineers makes sense.

I know, they’re mediocre, ignorant and still in the learning curve about dam safety and operation. I didn’t see any vertical water gauges as permanent measuring tools to release water downstream at the height of a killer flash flood like Typhoon Ondoy or Peping. They should have at least one by the Carmen Bridge. They’re just guessing on when to open the floodgates to release water to avoid overtopping the dam. To shut it down is an exercise in futility.

Hoover Dam near Las Vegas has paid for itself many times over. The San Roque Dam doesn’t even have in their staff an expert on stocking and spawning the dam with fish like Tilapia, Dalag, Paltat, Gurami, Sand Bass, Crappie, etc to give back to the residents of San Roque.

The dam staff considers the dam their private preserve. They don’t share or raffle to the residents or public to enjoy their fair share to catch some of the fish under a limit of 10 fish a day.

Walang alam. Mga bobo.

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