Unacceptable thought

By November 25, 2009Punch Forum

Jeremias Andrade Carrera
25 Nov 2009

Re: San Roque Dam

Dear Mr. Sobrepenia:

Your suggestion to open up our minds to the decommissioning of San Roque is completely unacceptable to anyone with a sound mind.

May I suggest that you read more and review in-depth your science and history before making the conclusion that solar or wind are the best sources of energy. If you are suggesting that the power function of San Roque should be the secondary function to the flood control and irrigation functions, then I can agree with you.

Have you seriously thought about what you are suggesting-“decommissioning a dam due to operators’ stupidity?” It is like someone who just bought a very sophisticated expensive car but the driver did not know how to drive safely and was stupid enough to drive at maximum speed because there is no posted speed limit so he caused an accident. The owner without thinking grounded his car – put it in his garage to decommission it.

Now who is more stupid-the driver or the owner? Think about it.

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