Where are the…billions?

By July 21, 2009Punch Forum

Eduardo Pontaoe
21 July 2009

When we write the truth, as free as the constitution dictates, it’s not libelous.

There are those out there who think they can write anything they want and get a free pass. People who decide to enter public service are prey to inquiring minds and when it becomes so hot at times . . . is acceptable.

And to those “journalists” who believe that they are immune to critique are in the wrong business. A writer should know what he writes must be compelling, all truthful at all times, a mistake made cannot be undone, a mistake made will create havoc and destruction.

And us who write thru the net base our opinions on what is already put on the table.

Like in the Sunday Punch, articles written are follow-ups on what are in the grapevine.

Sometimes we correct contradictions, blatant lies supposed not to be spoken, unjustified self-glorification.

To say the least, we in the net are not the “inggetero” or jealous types. Most of us who write in the Punch are here in America.

What’s there to brag against us? What’s there these “bilyonarios” in Pangasinan enjoy that we don’t?

Come to think of it, these so called noveau riche in Pangasinan come to America to enjoy what we have going agog in the delights of the place especially of Las Vegas per se.

And the worst of the worst is they come to America looking for somebody to accommodate them for free.

Where are the . . . billions?

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