A Kabaleyan’s Thoughts…
“Bahala na”
By S. Bill Jimenez
THIS IS what Filipinos say when they give up struggling and put everything in God’s hands: “Bahala na” (derived from Bathala, the God of early Filipinos).
It may be the secret of why Filipinos are pliant, resilient and flexible like the bamboo. We surrender and ask God to take charge. Americans have a way of expressing this attitude: “Let go and let God.”
There are indeed matters and moments in life when people must give up, surrender and just put everything in God’s divine providence. The Teacher says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the Heaven… a time to search and time to give up” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6).
People with terminal illness, after the doctor said that there is no more hope for healing, often accept the verdict and proclaim: “Let go and let God.
Bahala na.” We have witnessed patients who accepted their end and with a smile and serenity in their faces kept pointing up to heaven, meaning they were resigned to God’s bidding.
Jesus, on the eve of His crucifixion, left us a good example, as He prayed three times in Gethsemane: “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done” (Matthew 26:42).
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