Think about it

By January 18, 2012Archives, Opinion

Philippine democracy’s litmus test

By Jun Velasco 

If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”– MARK 3:24, 25

WE missed the well-attended 75th birthday bash of former Speaker Joe de Venecia in Manila on December 26.

You see, being present in JdV’s birthday powwows used to be a yearly panata.

We felt inggit to those who made it to his party. Based on many friends’ accounts, hundreds of guests from all parts of the world, that easily made up a global who’s who came and felicitated the speaker.

It was Dagupan City’s fiesta then, and we too had guests from Manila in our Dagupan home. Our physical absence should not dampen though our warmest wishes for the Boss to have a much longer life in these challenging times.

The country, the world needs his wisdom in securing a peaceful world. Luckily, his brand of excellent public service as a Philippine statesman is being continued by beauteous wife, Rep. Gina.

Happy birthday!

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      We are regularly treated in the media, especially on television by what seems to be exciting US primaries dominated by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

      From the grapevine, the race looks sad for the Republicans not being able to field better men  to  challenge the politically bruised  but  likely winner Barack Obama in the November presidential polls. 

      There’s little hope in the world’s once greatest nation — given another failing Obama administration — amid a gasping economy and its rival China’s improving economy.

       We have a pathetic description on the ongoing US political exercise, “better than none.”

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Our country meanwhile is bruised by our two highest national officials, President Pnoy and Chief Justice Renato Corona being mired in a do-or-die conflict.

The high profile clash threatens to undermine and break our democratic foundations. God forbid!

Given President Aquino’s high popularity and moral ascendancy, it would have done CJ Corona a lot of good if he resign and not wait for a more humiliating ouster or impeachment from office.

Many sober observers consider Corona’s leech-like hold to his office as profoundly immoral and a stain on his once good name.

Such is the punishment of an undeserved post in public service.

Woe unto the good name he has built for many years, a distinguished career in the legal profession and in the justice department!

One wonders how he’s remained callous and blinded by the blandishment of power.  From the looks of it, the more he stays pathetically struggling to hold on, the deeper he sinks in the abyss of public esteem. Worst, an imminent damage to a once comfortable and beautiful privacy of home looms.

That favorite quote comes to mind: What would profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?

What worries us more is the implication of the damaging “clash of the titans” to our democratic institutions. Let’s hope the Senate rises to the challenge and not allow the conflict to bring us all down.

Let’s pray that God’s winnowing power separates the chaff from the grain without lives lost in the process.

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