The Bigger Picture
By +Oscar V. Cruz, JCD
AS USUAL, the Malacañang head occupant together with much favored allies have other things in mind than the feeble, if not in fact, deteriorating national economy, the devastation brought about by nature due to human greed, the matter-of-fact criminality in the streets and the consequent anxiety of the general public. As of these days, not only long time but also much public funds are being spent for the avid intent and undivided effort on the Chief Executive in impeaching the Chief Justice of the land.
Most probably unperceived and wherefore in fact unappreciated by the only some two-year incumbency of the present administration, the now on-going impeachment trial lodged against the holder of the highest judicial office in the Country, can readily remind the People of the Philippines about a key constitutional provision stating: “Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from the people.” – considering that theirs is a “democratic and republican State.”
In the event that the impeachment were successful, one of its most deleterious effect would be this as a logical consequence: The Supreme Court as a rule, the new Chief Justice well included, would not only be careful but also hesitant to pronounce judgments contrary to the wishes and designs of the Chief Executive. It is not a secret that the what made the latter explode with anger and vengeance was when nothing less than the fourteen (14) Judges of the Supreme Court dared to decide on the long standing case of the Hacienda Luisita in favor of the farmers.
In the event that the impeachment were a failure, needless to say, such would leave an indelible mark of incompetence and inadequacy on the already feeble bearing of the incumbent President. There are already a good number of personal and official liabilities predicated about the same. For him to still lose no less than family fight, this could be anything but a tap on his shoulder, a feather to his cap. What happens next is anybody’s guess. But whatever it would be, it could not be good news for the dynasty concerned.
Meantime, while the blockbuster show is going on, the three main forces in the Country are on their toes: The so-called “Left” are getting ready for whatever eventuality. The so-labeled “Right” are much awake and vigilant. And the so-known “Middle” are slowly feeling its way in. This is not to mention the worries of business magnates, the reservations of multi-national corporations not to mention the anxiety of the common tao.
This is the bigger picture of the now on-going official combat and pursuant noise.
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