No algorithm in politics

By September 17, 2008Punch Forum

Eduardo Pontaoe
16 Sept 2008

Parallelism in political divide and conquer and divide and conquer algorithm . . . there’s no conceivable paradigm where these two is congruent.

What’s happening is, the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer, a distorted view of what is faster, the clock on a moving train or the clock stationary on a platform.

It can’t be done as to Kipling’s East is East, West is West and never the twain shall meet.

Divide and conquer algorithm, is limited to computer science where a procedure is created in solving mathematical problem in a finite number of arrangements which is frequently repetitive in finding the common ground.

Divide and conquer algorithm is mainly used to solve problems . . . while divide et empera in politics, is to create problems.

The absurdity . . . when politics is tried to work in the rarefied air of mathematics.

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