Parents’ conflict of interests

By July 25, 2008Punch Forum

Ed Pontaoe
24 July 2008

In a democratic society, at present, in the education of the kid’s falls not only in the hands of parents, but also it’s the responsibility of the government to provide education and discipline to its young citizens.

And the kids, thereby preparing them for the future should adhere to a rigid curriculum and firm disciplinary action on the part of authorized authority.

Such authority is taken into account, in the search of not allowed cell phones,
that’s so distractive in the desired atmosphere of peace and quiet.

The proliferation of communication tools in any Filipino aspect of life, is sort of copycat, the fad that’s overblown even by lowly “monamon” vendors with sophisticated phones where 20 years ago, they just went by and survived.

Is it a responsibility of parents to police their kids because it’s them who bankrolled its purchase? Sureeee, it is! However, we shouldn’t miss the purpose why kids are given a device. It’s the aim of every parent . . . the moneyed kind not the dirt poor . . . to follow on their kid’s whereabouts.

This’ where the conflict starts. Is it proper for parents to equip young kids if not for bragging rights? For Filipinos, yes, the penchant of showing off what they got.

Once, the kids are let loose with their toys of choice parental responsibility stop at the gates of the school, and this is where the responsible authority begins.

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