Leave it to school officials

By July 23, 2008Punch Forum

Ms. Ric
23 July 2008

The ban on cell phones in all public schools in Burgos came down from the Mayor’s office, not the school officials’ office. I can only deduce that this is a local policy, adopted or voted by local policy makers, which means it has to be written on some legal papers sitting in someone’s office at the municipal level. That’s well and good until one looks at the enforcement of this policy AND the consequences when someone doesn’t abide by this policy.

Teen-agers have more to lose on this issue than any other age level. Let’s give these teen-agers a bit more credit, shall we? They will not leave their cell phones in their bags for anyone to see during a search, this I can, by experience, guarantee. So, does this policy allow for a thorough search to deter the act? Do they have the manpower, the time, the money to seriously enforce the policy, or is this another slap-in-the-face-I’ve-got-the-upper-hand policy that Philippines is famous for?

By enacting this ban without the serious intent to enforce will create nothing but power struggle in a classroom. And in any given classroom, it’s usually 35 against one when it comes to these issues be it in my neck of the woods or across the Pacific.

And let’s look at the consequences they’ve established. First offense is to lose it for a day, second is to lose it for a week, and third is for a whole year. Three strikes before it’s out?

Why not leave the policymaking with the school officials? Teachers are responsible for providing a learning environment free of distractions to ALL their students. If that learning environment is interrupted by a cell phone, then that teacher should have every right to confiscate the phone for good or until a parent comes in, conferences with the teacher, before it’s handed over to the parent with a clear understanding that there is no second chance.

Better yet, at least in Burgos, hand those phones to the Mayor and let the parents conference with the Mayor first before handing those phones back. I am willing to bet that there will be very few repeat offenders.

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