Young Roots

By January 24, 2016Archives, Opinion

Why we should be happy on our birthday

Johanne R. Macob

By Johanne R. Macob 


FIRST off, I hope my editor forgives me for rehashing this article that he did not approve of two years ago. I just celebrated my birthday and I must confess that what I had written 24 months ago is actually more relevant to what I feel now. And I’m sure I think other people can still relate well to what may appear as something trivial.

Once again, I was overwhelmed by numerous birthday greetings on Facebook, via phone, or in person on my birthday, which was two days ago. However, I noticed that the number of people sending greetings to me has been decreasing over the years. Perhaps, this is what people mean when they say “as you grow up, you get to know who your real friends are.”. Or perhaps I was “not-so-social” anymore. Whatever the case is, it is never quantity but quality for me. And I’m more than thankful to receive all the “happy birthdays” from all the lovely people in my life.

But have you ever wondered why everyone would say “happy birthday!” Why is there the assumption that one’s birthday is happy? I surmise that perhaps, the ‘happy’ part of the greeting is a wish, more than anything else, just like the ‘merry’ in Christmas and the ‘happy’ in new year. But then again, why SHOULD we be happy on our birthday in spite of some difficulties in our lives?

First, I think we should be happy on our birthday for everyone, or at least for someone who wishes us to be. Oh c’mon, let’s not be KJ! Even deviants who’d rather lock themselves in a room should be happy for the birthday greetings even if one is going through a difficult time. Remember that it’d take our planet a full rotation in its axis before we our next birthday comes around.

Besides, at least someone has taken his or her time and resources- no matter how small or big – just to remind you that they remember you on our birthday. This gesture alone should be enough reason for us to be happy which is why saying “thank you” isn’t the only thing we owe these people. We have to grant their wish. We owe it to them that we are reminded to be happy, at least on our birthday.

So remembering all these things I wrote two years ago, I decided to be happy despite being away from home, being away from my nearest and dearest in a sort of manic state, on my birthday. Thanks for all the messages on FB and SMS wishing and greeting me a “happy birthday.” Also, I decided to be happy because I owe myself that birthday happiness and more. I have gone through a lot in my life, so I have every reason to be happy for all the experience I’ve gained. I should be happy, and I am happy for that.

Above all, I’m happy because God has again manifested His love by giving me another year, another chance, another opportunity to be a better person hat I can be. So, how can I not be happy? To have people affectionately greeting us, also reminds us that we have become part of their lives, that we are important to them.  (They would not greet us if we are not, right?).

P.S. Happy birthday to all my fellow celebrators! And to everyone who made me realize further why I should be happy on my birthday, my most heartfelt gratitude. I am so blessed.

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