Fake news on Atty. Harry

By July 15, 2024Punchline

By Ermin Garcia Jr.


THE brouhaha in social media last week about the fake news labeling Atty. Harry Roque as lobbyist for illegal POGOs was just the tip of the iceberg.

It was fake because not even the source of the alleged claim, Pagcor chief Alfredo Tengco, was not recorded in the minutes of the senate committee hearing to have tagged Atty. Roque as lobbying for the approval of licenses for illegal POGO operators, contrary to what social and mainstream media reported.

Mr. Tengco even clarified Atty. Roque was in touch with Pagcor only to clarify list of documents required by Pagcor to resolve a company’s issue with Pagcor.  He said Atty. Roque’s calls were like other typical calls from lawyers seeking clarifications.

Be that as it may, there was a tiny but major disconnect in that black propaganda that made the Pagcor claim look incredulous from the very beginning. The black ops overlooked the fact that Mr. Roque is a staunch critic of President BBM, a fact that would meet very serious opposition from the Marcos appointees, making sure that he gains nothing.

But the operatives of the black ops were focused on discrediting Atty. Roque in both mainstream and social media. They knew that their fake news blasts for over a week will already accomplish their mission, labeling Atty. Roque as legal counsel of illegal POGO operators! And indeed, they succeeded in besmirching his integrity what with the millions of pesos poured into the black ops. He was defenseless against the avalanche of fake news fed to social media and mainstream media.

Of course, it being a black op, it didn’t need any evidence to prove the lie.

As Atty. Roque blasted in his Facebook live podcast last Wednesday: “I am not and have never been a legal counsel to any illegal POGO, neither was I counsel to South 99, Inc. Neither did I participate in preparing Lucky South 99’s organizational chart which identified me as their legal counsel.”

“I vehemently deny media reports claiming that PAGCOR chairman Alejandro Tengco, allegedly said I represented an illegal POGO.”

I mentioned this being just the tip of the iceberg because it is becoming evident that there is a strategy to fully discredit ex-President Duterte and family, after the resignation of VP Sara Duterte from the Marcos cabinet. Call it a payback for the break-up of the Unity that PBBM boasted to have and enjoy.

Atty. Harry Roque was the first convenient target, being the most visible among the past cabinet members.

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LAWLESSNESS IN PANGASINAN? Is there lawlessness in the streets and highways in Pangasinan? It appears to be so because the police have not shown the capability to enforce laws, particularly the “Helmet Law” except to investigate if a crime is committed. 

The wearing of crash helmets by motorcycle riders is a national law. But why are towns and city police tolerating the flagrant violation? I even doubt if 50 riders (out of thousands) without helmets cruising on the highways were cited and fined last week.

Obviously, our chiefs of police are not the least aware of the benefits of a strict enforcement of this law.

 A strict enforcement instilling fear in one rider of being caught, is quickly shared by other riders in the community who will also fear the consequences of not wearing a helmet. This fear is naturally shared by family members who will make it a habit to remind riders in the family to wear their helmets.

What could the strict enforcement of wearing helmets impact be on the rest of the community? It is the realization that enforcement of laws is already the norm, not violating and getting away with it? Consequently, a strict enforcement of another law will benefit the community since there is already an acceptance of the consequences of violating a law that’s strictly enforced.

Take the enforcement of ordinance vs. jaywalking and vending on sidewalks. These are never strictly enforced but residents hope these could be strictly enforced.

Bottomline: Everyone wants order in their communities but why is this not happening?

The answer lies in the absence or of lack of training on enforcement of specific laws and ordinances of police/traffic enforcers.  Above all, there is the absence or lack of political will of governors, mayors and their counterparts in the police hierarchy.

Imagine the impact alone of Pangasinan being known as the only province where wearing of crash helmets is strictly enforced.  People will wonder what other laws are strictly enforced here. That will automatically lead to strict enforcement of proper use of lanes by cars, trucks, tricycles and motorcycles on highways. It’s non-enforcement caused many deaths.

That impact can be realized with a simple direct order from the governor, the provincial board and the PNP provincial director: “Hulihin lahat ang walang suot na helmet”! (Meaning ALL, NO EXCEPTIONS).  That’s the order awaited by our mayors and policemen!

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PRAY FOR PEACE, FOR DIALOGUE. I laud the decision of Archbishop Soc Villegas this time to hold a hold a prayer fluvial procession in Infanta.  It’s a prayer activity for the protection of our fishermen who are in the frontlines in the territorial dispute at the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea to the world).

After all, it’s our fishermen’s livelihood that’s taking the brunt in the conflict over the former Scarborough shoal (now a military base of China).

The territorial dispute in WPS may never be resolved in this and next generation but peace and prosperity can be earned overnight with prayers and understanding by and between our government and China’s as close neighbors.

Let us pray… not just pay lip service for enduring peace between Philippines and China. We must constantly pray for peace in the area, peace among people of Philippines and China, and for early and peaceful dialogue between our government and China’s. (The growing Sinophobia is working against the internal growth of our economy. The Chinese people have nothing against Pinoys as our Chinoy friends can affirm. We must stop condemning the Chinese here and in China).

NOTE:  It is a mistake perception by many that POGO is an export from China, because it is not. In fact, CH had long appealed to PH not to allow POGO to operate. CH is totally against online gambling and PH ignored CH (PH now hosts all sorts of online gambling, name it).

There are illegal gambling syndicates in and from China as PH has its own share of criminal syndicates in and out of PH (in USA).

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BY THE WAY.  I’ve been privileged and given the opportunity by Radio Mindanao Network’s IFM Dagupan 104.7FM   to discuss The PUNCHs’ weekly editorial and items in my Punchline column over radio, simultaneously via IFM Dagupan on Facebook, starting this Monday, 6:30 a.m. with IFM Dagupan’s station manager Mark Espinosa as anchor person. The program is called PUNCHLINE. It’s only a 30-minute chat so I’m not sure if the program can accommodate call-ins for reactions.

And, have you dined at ‘Dad Joe’s’ in Dagupan?  Quality of food there is good. My current favorite is its version of the ‘French Toast’. Try it! 

To motorists on the highway, help enforce a national traffic rule: Tricycles must not stay on inner lanes but only on shoulder (right) lanes.  Blow your horns until they move to the shoulder lanes. It works!

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