
By June 15, 2009Opinion, Punchline

The new “republic” in Dagupan


By Ermin Garcia Jr.

Now that Guv Spines, the province’s environment czar, has finally expressed alarm over the daily pollution of the Lingayen Gulf, courtesy of the Dagupan District Jail, perhaps there is now reason to be optimistic that solutions are forthcoming.

The Dagupan City government has been helpless about it for years and frankly I get the impression that the Fernandez administration has decided to go on a denial mode forever. It goes to sleep every night making itself believe that there is no problem with the presence of the jail by the beach. Yet each day that passes, an impending environmental crisis is staring back at the occupants of the city hall.

People are appalled that the city hall cannot even think of enforcing the city’s sanitation code in the case of the district jail. The city health office has not even cited the jail for the glaring violation at anytime! For all intents and purposes, the Fernandez administration, has practically surrendered its jurisdiction to the “republic” of the Dagupan District Jail.

Even the barangay officials, who could very well sue the Bureau of Jail & Management of Penology for this daily violation of a major environmental law (not to mention the sanitation code itself) are already beginning to believe that they can live with the malodor emanating nightly from the jail’s premises each time the jail officials surreptitiously dump the jail’s wastes to the gulf under the cover of darkness.

Worse, the inutile city environment and natural resources officer of the DENR has not even taken cognizance of the severe pollution being inflicted on the gulf; it took his counterpart in the province to blow the whistle in Guv Spines’ face.

It would certainly be the height of irresponsibility and arrogance on the part of the Fernandez administration if it should tell Guv Spines – “Back off!” – on the issue that it cannot obviously possibly resolve on its own.

C’mon Guv Spines, walk the talk like a true czar!

* * * * *

WHY ARE BARANGAY OFFICIALS PROTECTING ABORTIONISTS? The police, religious and the medical sectors in the province should act swiftly and vigorously on the reported proliferation of make-shift abortion clinics. Four were finally arrested in Dagupan City, God knows how many there are more in the province. The situation can no longer be taken lightly because of allegations that some barangay health workers have found abortion a lucrative proposition.

We can no longer turn a blind eye while hundreds of unborn babies are killed daily and would-be mothers, most of them young women, risk their lives in the hands of unscrupulous abortionists working in unsanitary conditions.

It is no secret that abortion is resorted to by single and married women for reasons of their own, i.e., shameful teenage pregnancy, poverty, etc., and many would take advantage without remorse by acting as abortion experts.

The curious thing is that the abortionists are known to all barangay kapitans, kagawads and tanods, yet they are the first to express their amazement that abortionists have found their way in their communities. But of course, they all know what’s happening in their barangays! They even brag they know which couple staged a Pacquiao-Hatton match over a mistress, lover or drinking money. Nothing simply escapes them.

So, how is it possible that abortionists come and go in their communities with impunity? Because the abortionists are among their friends or even relatives. I am certain they even know where the mangled fetuses are dumped!

The barangay officials obviously choose to keep mum about the abortionists’ presence and feel justified doing so because they believe they are doing their constituents a service by making cheap abortion service to the latter. What a distorted notion of public service!

It’s time the mayors (and yes, religious leaders!) make their barangay officials accountable in this regard. We can’t stop abortion if the barangay officials collaborate with the abortionists.

It’s also about time the provincial and local government units together with religious communities and other concerned private sectors to devise a program that would support and protect women with unwanted pregnancies. I refer to a program that would have links with accredited orphanages, to keep the young angels alive!

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