Public warned vs. heat stroke

By March 30, 2009Headlines, News

SUMMER has set in and heat stroke looms as the biggest health threat.

According to Dagupan Councilor Jesus Canto, former director of the Region 1 Medical Center, while everyone could be at risk, old people are more susceptible and advised them to stay indoor as much as possible.

He advised increased intake of water and fruit juice to recover the electrolyte, sodium and potassium that the body loses when it perspires.

“People should avoid going out needlessly under the intense heat of the sun as even the sun’s ultra-violet rays are harmful to the skin, especially among the aged,” he said.

He also warned against spending time in air-conditioned malls to escape the heat saying overcrowding could also lead to sickness.

“Take extra-precaution inside malls,” Canto said, pointing out that virus easily spreads in malls, these being enclosed and air-conditioned.

He warned of a kind of virus, which is still the subject of study by scientists, that causes upper respiratory tract infection and usually lasts for two to three months, —LM

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