
By May 13, 2013Opinion, Punchline

Renouncing friends and a relative


By Ermin Garcia Jr.


NOT a few have asked me for my secret list of preferred candidates for the senate. So just between us, here’s my secret list divided in two sets: First priority: Alan Cayetano, Jun Magsasay, Koko Pimentel, Dick Gordon, Riza Hontiveros, Cynthia Villar.

Second priority: Sonny Trillanes, Sonny Angara, Migz Zubiri, Chiz Escudero, Bro. Eddie Villanueva and Greg Honasan. (Loren Legarda was originally in this set until she began to unfairly blame her teammate Cayetano for her SALN problems).

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LOCAL RACES. I have nothing but lament for the situations obtaining in two races.

First of all, I know Pangasinan is blessed to have as its citizens Guv Spines, Vice Guv Ferdie Calimlim, Alaminos Mayor Nani Braganza and former PNP Chief Art Lomibao My lament is we will never see them working together to move Pangasinan forward at a pace never seen before. They are all gentlemen who without a doubt have the best of interests for us Pangasinenses. Alas, choices must be made this week.

From where I sit, outside of the criminal charges being brought to bear on Guv Spines which to many are deemed politically motivated because of the timing, Guv Spines delivered on his past campaign promises, a feat that I find rare in the province’s political and economic history. I expect the local electorate to give him another mandate, a move I support. I had my differences with Guv Spines on a number of his initiatives but I cannot ignore his impressive accomplishments.

I have no doubt that Mayor Nani would make an excellent governor himself. His political track record points to a blazing political star in the making. Somehow, his pitch today for a better Pangasinan failed to resonate as it was overshadowed by the campaign to box in Guv Spines with criminal charges. I also find it unfortunate that he’s pitted against Guv Spines, an equally sharp performer putting him at a disadvantage. If by chance, Mr. Braganza doesn’t make it this time, I will always look forward to the day he assumes the post and watch him propel the province’s development even further.

That their respective vice governor bets enjoy high popularity ratings do not surprise me one bit. They are both soft-spoken but known to be action oriented. For them, actions speak louder than words and therefore make for perfect partners of both Messrs. Espino and Braganza. Either one would serve the province well but the incumbent would have the edge.

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PAINFUL. It’s a completely different story in Dagupan City.

As loyal PUNCH readers already know, our weekly issues are always peppered with corruption issues that hound Mayor Benjie Lim’s administration. So I don’t consider this year’s election as an ordinary contest contest between two old political hats. Perhaps this is the most intense run for the city’s top posts not because we have the best of the lot but because it is a struggle among people, by the good and the bad. A choice between the welfare of the city or for the interests of the few corrupt that have infested local governance.

As I write this, I recall what my father, Ermin Sr., wrote in his speech, “Your Provincial Newspaperman”, which he delivered in 1962 when he assumed the presidency of the once prestigious Pangasinan Press and Radio Club, “…in no other profession but journalism is it expected that a man will renounce friends, personal convenience, and even family in the faithful discharge of professional duties.”

Frankly, I never thought I would find myself in that same position just as my father had described it. I find myself renouncing my friends and a relative today who are running for elective posts in the city.

Mayor Benjie Lim was a good friend with whom I did business in the past for the city’s tourism and whom I had believed would some day become the city’s best mayor yet. But today I ask friends and relatives today not to vote for him. I have been a personal witness to the plunder of the city by his administration as evidenced by the numerous documents I personally came across. He must be made to step down.

Without a doubt, Vice Mayor Belen Fernandez will be good for the city who promises transparency and accountability. If she wins, The PUNCH will be watching her, too.

Councilor Brian Lim, the son of Benjie and Celia (whose family I continue to hold in high esteem), unfortunately, turned out to be more like the cunning father than the faithful mother who was pained by my critical articles of her son. He led the conspiracy in the city council to betray the city with the Judas 8 in tow. He must be repudiated by the Dagupeños. (Why the INC chose to endorse him over Michael Fernandez is beyond me because this is about a fight between good and evil).

Councilor Red Erfe-Mejia is a distant relative who chose to actively support BSL’s diabolical governance. He refused to account for the monies he received in the last city fiesta as executive chairman despite calls for transparency and accountability. He should not be voted upon.

Councilor Jess Canto was a trusted doctor-friend who once impressed me as a truly dedicated public servant when he headed the Region 1 Medical Center until he presided over the conspiracy of the Judas 9. He should be junked.

Alvin Coquia is a member of the Fercolla clan that has produced distinguished members in the community. I had the privilege of working with one of his relatives, Ping Coquia, in the past as an ally in the campaign against corruption. Alvin was pictured in the clan as the next generation’s leader being an upright well-educated member of the clan. It, therefore, saddened me to see him happily jump into the BB bandwagon as an orig of the Judas 9 setting the stage for the demise of the Mighty 8 in the city council.

Councilor Emong Vallejos was once a steadfast, honest hardworking co-worker in the Human Settlements Office. Alas, as a councilor, he found nothing wrong being a stooge for the BB’s anomalous deals. He, too, refused to account for the monies he received as executive chairman of the 2012 Bangus Festival. He is an original Judas 9. His name should be stricken off in everyone’s list.

Candidate Marianne Ang is reportedly the common law wife of Nic Aquino, the former councilor who recruited a Belen Tamondong Fernandez as a nuisance candidate to ensure Mayor Lim’s reelection. He, too, refused to account for monies collected as councilor and chairman of the city fiesta during BSL’s second term. Does the city want another Nic in the city council? I hope not.

Candidate Beep-Beep Tan is the only child of good friends Maxie and Lina Tan. They helped me organize the Human Settlements Council in the city during the martial law yearssharing a common vision for a progressive Dagupan. I was utterly dismayed to find Beep-Beep’s name, as head of the feeding program for malnourished children in the city, appear in an official document that showed purchases of grossly overpriced food items for malnourished children. Still, he took part in the cover-up. Sayang. He doesn’t deserve the Dagupeños trust. Not now.

Councilor Karlos Reyna was one the Judas 9 but has since disassociated himself from the notorious group. He deserves a second chance. Candidate Marilyn Reyna is the mother of Dada Reyna who too chose to be one of the Judas 9. Perhaps the irrepressible Marilyn still has the Manaois fighting streak in her to enable her to redeem the family’s lost integrity.

Candidate Saysi Samson is the son of Councilor Chito Samson, a member of the Mighty 8 who helped Brian plot the coup against the city that gave life to the Judas 9. Could Saysi be of the same mold? We hope not and perhaps his youth may be the family’s own chance at redeeming the family’s stained honor. Chito was a boyhood friend whom we supported earlier as chairman of the peace and order committee in the city council.

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THE DESERVING. Speaking of the INC endorsement, it is obvious that it chose to present a political Solomonic solution instead of what it thinks is good for its members. But that is its prerogative and discretion, no matter how wrong one perceives it.

It is public knowledge that without its endorsement, one is handicapped by at least 2,000 votes. This is a reality that the qualified honest candidates but not endorsed must face.

Efforts must be doubled to ensure the proclamation of Michael Fernandez as vice mayor; Atty. Joey Tamayo, Fred Quinto and Solo de Venecia as the people’s representatives in the city council.

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