“WE’RE back! Operation Double Barrel Reloaded is on in Pangasinan.” This was the terse message of P/Sr. Supt. Ronald OIiver Lee, Pangasinan’s acting police provincial director, to drug pushers and addicts even as he expressed optimism that the clergy will respond positively to his invitation to participate in some planned PDEA-police…
LINGAYEN–Less than a week after the Philippine National Police (PNP) was given the go-signal by President Duterte to resume anti-drug operations, nine high value targets (HVT) were arrested in Pangasinan, six of them suspected to be involved in the operation of a drug den in Sta. Barbara. Operatives of the…
Cops bust Sta. Barbara drug den
WHILE other police stations in the province have actively resumed operations against illegal drugs, the Dagupan City Police Station (DCPS) has chosen to wait for clear directives before launching Double Barrel Reloaded in the city. P/Chief Inspector Marcos Anod, deputy police chief, said the directive on the Double Barrel Alpha:…
DBR in city still on hold
“THEY may have won but it does not mean that they are right.” This was the reaction of Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines president Socrates Villegas after congressmen voted 217-54 Tuesday night on final reading the bill reimposing the death penalty for drug-related crimes. He said the…
Bishops grieve death penalty OK in House
WAR ON ILLEGAL GAMBLING THE war on drugs is ablaze again but the same cannot be said in the war on illegal gambling in the province. Pangasinan Police Provincial Offices’ acting-Director, P/Sr. Supt. Ronald Oliver Lee, admitted it cannot go after the off-fronton jai-alai operations because Meridien Vista Gaming Corporation…
PNP: Meridien’s jai-alai still untouchable
SPECIAL DAY FOR WOMEN — Rodelia Basa of Dagupan City, walks to the registration table set up by the Comelec for the encoding of her biometric data during the special day for registration for women held at the Dagupan City Senior Citizens building on March 8 in observance of the…
BINMALEY—This town, known as the Fish Bowl of Pangasinan, has launched the first local government unit (LGU) online radio in the country on March 2. Joey dela Cruz, brainchild of the project with Mayor Simpicio Rosario, said Binmaley Online Radio provides news updates on LGU projects and advocacies to promote…
Binmaley launches first LGU online radio
THE operatives of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Region 1 are happy and feel relieved with the decision of President Duterte to task the Philippine National Police to resume its role in the anti-illegal drugs. Atty. Marvin Tavares, PDEA assistant regional director, said the recent presidential order to the…
PDEA, happy to have PNP back
TO IMPROVE GARBAGE COLLECTION MOVING further to arrest an impending garbage crisis in Dagupan City, Mayor Belen Fernandez ordered the purchase of nine more garbage trucks. Fernandez said the new dump trucks and the three currently being maintained, will be used to collect and deliver the city’s segregated wastes. At…
City buys 9 more dump trucks
A NUMBER of drug pushers and users in Binmaley town who surrendered earlier have been confirmed to have returned to their old habits since the suspension of the illegal drug operations in the town. This was confirmed by P/Supt. Mona Asis, Binmaley police chief, who said some were apparently emboldened…