OVER GARBAGE, SALVAGE ZONE BINMALEY-The Philippine Army found itself in a tougher war in Binmaley town, not over presence of insurgents but of the town’s wastes and salvage zone. The local government has been dumping its garbage inside the 19.1 hectare Andres Malong Army Reservation in Barangay Caloocan Norte since…
WAR VS. ILLEGAL DRUGS THE government now seems to be winning the war against illegal drugs in Pangasinan. The police are arresting an average of nine drug pushers a day after targeting 10 major drug personalities in each town of the 48 towns and 4 cities. This was disclosed by…
Government winning war with “1-2-3 Punch”
BAYAMBANG SCHOOL TRANSFER BAYAMBANG–The Court of Appeals’ Seventh Division sustained the writ of preliminary mandatory injunction issued by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Carlos City ordering the Department of Education through then Pangasinan I Division Superintendent Alma Torio to desist from defying the executive order issued by the town mayor directing the…
CA upholds TRO vs. DepEd
BAYAMBANG— Here is a typical example of slow and inefficient bureaucracy can make lives miserable for a community. As of June 19, or six days after a powerful tornado wrought havoc in 13 villages, no relief assistance still appeared forthcoming from the local government that displaced 88 families comprising of 351 persons…
Bayambang tornado victims cry for help
TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNANCE “THIS is where your taxes are spent” used to be a familiar sign one reads in a project site posted randomly by local government officials. In Dagupan City, Mayor Belen T. Fernandez took her transparency policy in governance a step further. She had a huge tarpaulin prepared…
Dagupan posts BUB projects at city hall
THE ONLY DRUG–FREE TOWN STO. TOMAS— As the campaign against illegal drugs in the province continues, the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) has determined that this town is still the one and only town in Pangasinan to be drug-free and decided to honor its officials and residents with an award. In…
DDB cites Sto. Tomas town
WEST PHILIPPINE SEA ISLANDS LINGAYEN—A little known fact in the continuing reclamation and sovereignty issue with China in the West Philippine Sea is the revelation of ASNA Outstanding Pangasinan awardee that the contested islands and shoal are part of the province of Pangasinan. The 87-year-old book author Dr. Cecilia Daranciang…
Disputed islands are part of Pangasinan –ASNA awardee
THE National Irrigation Administration (NIA) confirmed that only a dry spell was felt in Pangasinan from March to May unlike in the three other provinces in Region 1–La Union, Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte—that experienced drought during the last three months. But NIA Regional Manager John Celeste said that being close to the drought-hit…
Pangasinan hit only by dry spell, not drought–NIA
MALASIQUI—Sen. Teofisto Guingona III said the Senate will conduct next month a probe on the alleged scam regarding Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) fraudulent claims by some accredited eye clinics/centers that conduct eye operation on patients even if these are unnecessary to exact fee from this government agency. Guingona, chairman…
Guingona: Senate to probe scam on PhilHealth claims
LINGAYEN– In line with the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, the Department of Education (DepEd) ordered teachers to use electronic class record beginning school year 2015-2016. The DEPED provides an Electronic Class Record Template free for use by all public school teachers downloadable from the DepEd…