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September 2011


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Jueteng – Daang matuwid – Jueteng By +Oscar V. Cruz, JCD THERE is something not only interesting but also intriguing—if not downright suspicious—about the above tripod wherein strangely enough, the so called “Daang Matuwid” has Jueteng precisely before and after it. The former supposedly stands for integrity and honestly. The…

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By September 12, 2011Archives, Opinion

Sports Eye

By | Opinion, Sports Eye

Meeting Marquez again By Jesus A. Garcia Jr.  (First of two parts) I HAD the opportunity of meeting world boxing champ Juan Manuel Marquez three times in the past and after those encounters, I longed to meet him again. Those previous meetings were not good enough for me because I…

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Sports Eye

By September 12, 2011Opinion, Sports Eye


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Phl is no chicken By Marifi Jara  “CHICKEN!” That is Filipino slang for ‘easy’, typically spoken with a tone of confidence or arrogance or both. It sends the message that something is achievable without needing much effort. “Chicken yan, pare!”  would be a sample response if for instance someone asks…

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By September 12, 2011Archives, Opinion

Business Proposition

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Fishpond pest good for dengue control? By Roberto Garcia DID you know that a pesky little fish found in fishponds can eat mosquito larvae as soon as they hatch from eggs? Locally called tuyong, this type of fish breeds so fast in fishponds that it competes with the cultured bangus…

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Business Proposition

By September 12, 2011Opinion