Freddie G. Agsalon 21 April 2011 Re: Capitol defends collection of new RPT A large percentage of rain-fed agricultural lands were idle and no income. Please consider this issue/problem of landowners. Back to Homepage
Bcb 20 April 2011 Re: Ceasefire What compassion are you talking about? My neighbor who has to beg for food to fill her stomach is busy going around asking relatives and acquaintances for money just to be able to pay the staggering RPT increase. The very sad story is,…
Law of karma
Bcb 20 April 2011 Re: Capitol defends collection of new RPT Come election time and there will be no pity. These SP officials will be booted out -no mercy -vertically from the governor down to the SUV-driving board members. Quiambao will go down with them. It’s pure hogwash and…
Payback time in 2013
Tiburon 20 April 2011 Re: Man must find the answer There’s no viable answer to contain the destructive power of the atom. The only answer was expressed at Los Alamos after the detonation of the plutonium bomb. “I am Death: the shatterer of worlds”. Back to Homepage
No viable answer
Aurelio 20 April 2011 Re: VMUF clarifies disqualification of nursing students This revalida program (CHED) for graduating nursing is void and null. This has to be applied to all courses offered by university and colleges. Doctor, lawyer, dentist, or all courses required to take board exam or bar exam….
Jeremias Andrade Carrera 20 April 2011 Running out of credible and convincing arguments to win the attention of your readers Edwin? If man must find the answer, then it must know its own limitations. Man therefore will not be seeking for the answer by venturing into dangerous “trial and…
Less dangerous answers
Raffy Oriel 19 April 2011 Re: Man must find the answer Do you really want us to believe you that nuke is the answer? Obviously, man didn’t find the answer when nuke was discovered. Instead, more problems were created that can make Godzilla’s reign of terror into reality. The…
Better to regret now
Bcb 19 April 2011 Re: Capitol defends collection of new RPT Rubbish…what public consultation was he talking about? Back to Homepage
Public consultation?
Jojo Casilang 18 April 2011 Re: Man must find the answer Edwin, godzilla movies are fiction. Is that where you’re getting your arguments from? You’re getting your arguments from fictional events and characters? It is no wonder why your advocacy about a nuclear power plant built at a specific…
Only in the hands of the experienced
Jose Ceralde 16 April 2011 Re: Man must find the answer Edwin, Nice use of your favorite past time cartoons. You need to present those Godzilla arguments to your elected official so I could sleep well at night. Out of 65 nukes in US, 11 have storage facility in…