Editorial Cartoon
More power, more transparent PUTTING an end to the relentless jueteng problem in the country is definitely on the main agenda of newly-appointed Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo. But at the number one spot of his plan of action, which will in fact partly address the illegal numbers game, is empowering…
No buck-passing, please By Ermin Garcia Jr. BUCK-passing in a bureaucracy is the biggest loophole in our system that criminal minds exploit to this day. The case of the continuing reclamation at the city’s Calmay River along JdV Sr. Extension by 888 Dagupan Properties despite a cease and desist order…
The best way to help the country By Jun Velasco OVER a cup of coffee at his Monetary Board office, former Press Secretary Ignacio “Toting” R. Bunye betrayed a deep wish for Filipinos to reassess PGMA’s performance and give her a kinder place in history. The dapper ex media czar told us “let’s praise…
Think About It
Makulimlim na naman? By Gonzalo Duque THE exciting PRISSA days will begin on August 22 at the People’s Astrodome. Some eight to nine teams from the different stellar schools in Pangasinan are expected to slug it out in the games. As for us at LNU, we, particularly our LNU Dukes…
Playing with Fire
Noynoy knows who gunned down his Dad By Al S. Mendoza IS it by any coincidence that killings had greeted the ascent of the Noynoy Administration? They were done gangland-style. The Mafia mobsters did it best; and, still continue do it: You don’t behave, you are warned.
General Admission
Responsible Parenthood By +Oscar V. Cruz JCD “The marriage covenant… is ordered for the well-being of the spouses, and for the procreation and education of children…” (CANON 1055 par. 1 CIC). Thus provides the Law of the Church, because thus too stands the teaching of the Church, whereas thus finally…
“Hurricane” hits Pangasinan By Jesus A. Garcia Jr. TYPHOON Basyang unexpectedly hit Metro Manila directly with much fury, destroying establishments and taking the life of 37 people with 44 still missing. Victims of this ‘beast’ don’t call it just a mere typhoon. They call it “hurricane.” Luckily, we here in…