Jose Ceralde 29 June 2009 Guy Solis Behrick, Is expropriation the same as acquisition of land by the city government through imminent domain? The city dumpsite in Tondaligan is so far the only solution to the waste disposal of the city. Unless smarter people can help solve the problem within…
Peter 27 June 2009 I found very informative. The article is professionally written and I feel like the author knows the subject very well. keep it that way. Back to Homepage
SMSoriano 17 June 2009 The attire of the governor is not appropriate for tree planting. Let’s be realistic. Back to Homepage
Not realistic
Guy Solis Behrick 26 June 2009 I concur with Mr. Sobrepenia. Additionally, the city government should clean up and clear off the private land owned by the Solis family which they expropriated in Bonuan Boquig for use as the city dumpsite. It is hypocritical of the administration to demand removal…
Hypocritical city government
Jose Ceralde 23 June 2009 It is about time we read news that warrantless arrests, denial of Miranda rights and right of counsel are not tolerated by NAPOLCOM. Here is today’s read in PhilStar: “Escueta said the suspended police officers also denied Failon’s in-laws and household helpers their Miranda rights….
Timely moves by Napolcom
Robert Sobrepenia 23 June 2009 Now is the time for the city government to move and clear all city public lots or government lots of squatters. Let us not forget the riverside lot along Rizal Extension and some parts of the Careenan area, under the bridge of Quintos Bridge, etc….
Clear city lands
Ronaldo Castanaga 23 June 2009 One way the provincial capitol can assist our Kabaleyan OFWs is to lay the foundation setting up one-stop-shop at the halls of the Capitol Building. This one-stop-shop will aid and assist applicants for overseas work with their visa application, police and NBI clearances, physical examination…
1-Stop-Shop for Kabaleyan OFWs
Eduardo Pontaoe 23 June 2009 Dear Mr. Carrera, Before the advent of the Spaniards, Pangasinan never existed as an entity with a civilian government. The idea of a Princess Urduja reigning supreme is a fantasy that belongs in the world of the Brothers Grimm. There’s nothing out there to establish…
Concoctions about Pangasinan
Jeremias Andrade Carrera 22 June 2009 It is sad that in spite of the very attractive salaries ($13 up to $30.88 per hour for carpenters) for OFWs who will be lucky to be hired to work in Guam, the present provincial administration is not making any effort for our fellow…
Pangasinenses missing job opportunities
Jeremias Andrade Carrera 22 June 2009 Dear Mr. Pontaoe: The determination of the founding day of Pangasinan is very interesting issue to research not only for historians, students, teachers, researchers, and people like you and me. I have very limited knowledge in history and I therefore would like to know…