Monthly Archives

June 2007

Business Log

By | Opinion

Wake up call for fishpen operators By Eva C. Visperas Anda Mayor Nestor Pulido issued a memorandum circular Friday to bangus producers in his town calling for a moratorium on the operation of their fish pens and fishcages for at least one month following a  massive fishkill affecting their produce…

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Business Log

By June 17, 2007Opinion

Harvest Time

By | Archives, Opinion

Integrated weed management solves recurring low income By Sosimo Ma. Pablico The recurring low income of farmers practicing direct seeding of rice in Dingle, Iloilo has been solved through integrated weed management. In the past, Dingle rice farmers had difficulty controlling the weeds despite the use of herbicides.  Until lately,…

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Harvest Time

By June 17, 2007Archives, Opinion


By | Archives, Opinion

Sinking ship By +Oscar V. Cruz D. D. Sad to say but real to behold, the present administration can be well likened to a sinking ship. The “Garci tapes” remain one big open political wound. The impeachment cases are considered a complementary unclosed moral dilemma—not mere a question of number…

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By June 17, 2007Archives, Opinion

Sports Eye

By | Opinion, Sports Eye

Sports-minded Spines By Jesus A. Garcia Jr. ONLY his close friends know that our newly elected Governor Amado T. Espino Jr. is a sports-minded person. And I was never able to say the same for our outgoing governor. I came to know of  Espino’s — fondly called “Spines” by his…

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Sports Eye

By June 17, 2007Opinion, Sports Eye


By | Archives, Opinion

Bringing home Iraq By Marifi Jara The image of US Army Sergeant Richard “Valiant” Correa’s casket, alongside his grieving family and friends, is poignant. He was so young. Sayang. That the casket was draped in an American flag, arriving a day before the celebration of the Philippine’s Independence Day during…

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By June 17, 2007Archives, Opinion


By | Feelings, Opinion

For the Boys Only By Emmanuelle Let us stop and pause a while. From playing politics, I mean. Though exciting, it’s such a nasty game. Except for a very select few, most of us are so naive about its rules. Let us start from where we left off months ago….

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By June 17, 2007Feelings, Opinion

Valiant Correa: A true soldier

By | Inside News, News

LINGAYEN— “Valiant gave his life to a cause he sincerely believed in and it is our hope that his death will not be in vain.”       These were the words of US Army Sergeant Richard “Valiant” Correa’s sister, Ivy Primicias-Nalupta, during the necrological service at the Lingayen Catholic Church.      …

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Valiant Correa: A true soldier

By June 17, 2007Inside News, News

Stakeholders hold forum on condom-use

By | News, People & Events

Stakeholders in the prevention of the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV-AIDS had a full day discussing the 100% condom use program during a forum held in Dagupan City. During the forum, participants agreed that to achieve the “100% target”, more ordinances and pro-active implementation by stakeholders are needed….

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Stakeholders hold forum on condom-use

Rachel wages war vs. illegal drugs, gambling

By | Headlines, News

FIRST SALVO IN 3RD DISTRICT MALASIQUI–After Archbishop Oscar Cruz, the jueteng lords and drug lords may have met another match in a young determined woman! Congresswoman-elect Rachel Arenas of the third district has called for a “drug-free and gambling-free third district”, the first and only one to do so among…

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Rachel wages war vs. illegal drugs, gambling

By June 17, 2007Headlines, News