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June 2007


By | Archives, Opinion

Media: thank you! By +Oscar V. Cruz D. D. Needless to say, there are many private individuals and a good number of fortunately non-governmental groups and organizations that rightfully deserve the genuine gratitude of still good-willed citizens in this country. They have served much and continue to serve well in…

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By June 10, 2007Archives, Opinion

Harvest Time

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Joint techno commercialization projects launched By Sosimo Ma. Pablico The Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension (BPRE) recently launched two collaborative projects with the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) on the commercialization of postharvest machines equipment which their engineers have developed. The machines included…

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Harvest Time

By June 10, 2007Archives, Opinion

Sports Eye

By | Opinion, Sports Eye

Basketball Brouhaha By Jesus a. Garcia Jr. THE Basketball Referees Commission, better known as BARECOM, is the country’s pioneer in amateur basketball officiating group licensed by the Basketball Association of the Philippines (BAP) and the only basketball group that is recognized by FIBA, the world governing body for non-professional basketball….

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Sports Eye

By June 10, 2007Opinion, Sports Eye


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Freedom’s heroes By Marifi Jara INDEPENDENCE is a loaded word. It connotes freedom, power and self-sufficiency. On Tuesday, June 12, we commemorate our nations 109th year of “independence”. I put that heavy word in quotation marks because in the true and deep sense, we did not really gain our sovereignty…

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By June 10, 2007Archives, Opinion

MetroState ignores CE

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CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES Debate rages on issuance of permit WHO will have the last say on building permits?  While the issue is being debated, MetroState Realty Corporation remains adamant and unfazed by threats of stoppage by the city engineer as it continues the construction of its tourism-commercial complex project in the…

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MetroState ignores CE

By June 10, 2007Headlines, News

Outgoing dads tried to get ‘pork’

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ONE last hurrah for the city treasury’s already dwindling funds. This was the apparent intent of some of Dagupan City’s outgoing officials in planning new projects despite a mere three weeks left before they step out of office.             The plot was, fortunately, aborted when only seven councilors showed up…

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Outgoing dads tried to get ‘pork’

By June 10, 2007Headlines, News