Majority backs out on special session

By September 24, 2024Top Stories

THE majority in the Dagupan Sangguniang Panlungsod requested for a special session — but did not specify a date — to take up the resolution relating to the establishment of the Mother and Child Hospital (MCH) and an ordinance for the approval of Supplemental Budget No. 2-2004.

But eventually,  until Friday, no special session was held.

Majority Councilor Redford Erfe-Mejia proposed the holding of a special session following his heated debate on September 17 with Councilor and Minority Floor Leader Michael Fernandez, who followed up on the long pending resolution seeking to authorize Mayor Belen Fernandez to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Health for the MCH project as well as the pending approval of Supplemental Budget No. 2.

City Mayor Belen Fernandez issued certificates of urgency for the passage of the two measures but to no avail.
Erfe-Mejia said the majority councilors acknowledge receipt of the certificates of urgency and are committed to act on the matter soon.

However, City Secretary Ryan Ravanzo up to Friday  said he has yet to receive a formal notification from the majority councilors for the holding of a special session, including a date and time.

Councilor Fernandez persistently argued that the SP should finally take up the two long pending measures and moved for the suspension of the rules three times for their inclusion in the agenda, but these were all promptly rejected by the majority bloc.

He warned that the P150 million allotted for MCH under the General Appropriations Fund in 2021 will revert back to the national treasury unless used within the year.

On the other hand, if Supplemental Budget No. 2 is not passed until September 20, the appropriations therein will have to be included in the Annual Budget of 2025 now being finalized by the city executive and will be submitted to the SP on or before October 15. (Leonardo Micua) 

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