Mangaldan LGU employees test positive for illegal drug use

By June 10, 2024Top Stories

SEVERAL employees of the Mangaldan local government unit (LGU) have tested positive for illegal drug use following a surprise drug test conducted last week.

The exact number and names of those who tested positive have not been disclosed, but they are currently under the monitoring of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department of Health (DOH).

Mangaldan Mayor Bona Fe de Vera-Parayno announced surprise drug test after the flag-raising ceremony on May 20, during which all exits were sealed to prevent employees from leaving the premises.

She said all employees who tested positive underwent confirmatory testing and drug dependency examinations and they are presently undergoing rehabilitation at the Region 1 Medical Center Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (R1MC-DTRC) in Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City.

The R1MC-DTRC also conducted drug tests to assess the level of dependency of the drug infected-employees and were mandated a six to eighteen-month drug rehabilitation program.

Chief Administrative Officer Helen Abalos-Aquino clarified that job-order employees found positive are automatically terminated but they are eligible to reapply once they present a drug-free clearance from the DOH.

Mayor Parayno said while the LGU extends compassion to the affected employees, strict measures will be implemented to maintain a drug-free workplace, in compliance with the mandate of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and adherence to Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002. (Ahikam Pasion)

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