3rd Mayor Geslani Padyak Malasiqui toasts winners
MARCELO Escat of Barangay Lepa (senior category) and Jay Andaya of Barangay Talos-Patang won in the senior and open categories, respectively in the 3rd Mayor Noel Geslani Padyak Cycling Competition last May 25.
The 120 cyclists who were flagged off in front of the Arenas Civic Center in Malasiqui, took the long flat road from Malasiqui, Bayambang, Basista, San Carlos City and back to Malasiqui twice was also won by Bobby Morales of Barangay Nalsian in the master category.
Lepa, Andaya and Morales went home with P5,000 prize each.
In the same road race, Adoy Magyaga of Barangay Talos-Patang was acknowledged as the oldest cyclist participant at 77 years old.
The second placers in each category were awarded with P3,000 each while the third placers were given P2,000 each.
Padyak Malasiqui is an initiative of Mayor Geslani, in cooperation with the Malasiqui Cycling Association led by its president, Amadeo Manzon in a bid to help become the training ground for Pangasinan cyclists to qualify to compete in regional and national cycling events and to further hone their individual skills. (Kim Gealogo)
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