Barredo earns podium finish in Youth Boys Division

By May 19, 2024Sports


ANTON Luis Barredo of Dagupan City bagged second runner up in the Top 18 cut when he competed for the Men’s Open Finals in the Philippine National Open Bowling Championship that ended Sunday in Manila.

A mainstay of the Dagupan Tenpin Bowling Inc., the youthful Barredo clutched a 217 in the last game to get to top 3 stepladder where he eventually lost but still happy with the podium finish in the Youth Boys Division.

In the Men’s Open Division, Barredo managed to finish 9th out of the 18 that qualified. “I have a lot to work on, he said but he was happy on how the week turned out for him.

He started qualifying for both the Men’s Open and Youth Boys Divisions in the Philippine National Open upon arrival from a stint in Malaysia which, he said, was not an easy task because the oiling pattern was very challenging.

Barredo thanked MOTIV Philippines for the best equipment and balls he used in the tournament. (Leonardo Micua)

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