San Carlos City Karate Club triumphs in Bautista tourney
THE Wado-Ryu Kokusai of San Carlos won the overall championship in the 1st Bautista Karate Invitational Tournament at the Bautista National High School last July 30 when it bagged six gold, two silver and one bronze medals.
The one-day tournament, participated in by some 200 karatekas from 10 karate clubs in Region 1, was authorized by the JEV Eagle Hand Aikido/Karate-do.
The gold medals were won by Mikee Abigail Abarquez in Intermediate Kata and Novice Kumite, Shairah Dizon and Shearu Pascua, in Novice Kumite, Jeanricks Zambale in Intermediate Kata, and Maria Cristina de la Cruz in Newbie Kata.
The silver medals were won by Dizon in Novice Kata and Zambale in the Novice Kumite. Pascua won another bronze.
The team was mentored by Trisha Alexie Jimenez, who was also picked as the Best Coach of the invitational, alongside with sensei King Padua.
Kata showcases varied forms of attacks and blocks in a solo performance, while the kumite is where two competitors face off.
“As a first-time competitor in kumite, I felt my nerves rushing because of the different rules imposed by the karate-do committee. So, I had to swiftly adjust to the system and made it,” intoned Abarquez who snatched two gold medals in the tournament. (Kim Gealogo, University of Luzon Intern)
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