Meet new SK kagawad of Carael: 2-feet tall student

WHO said height matters?
It was this height issue inspired 22-year-old Marian Nicole Mayandoc of Barangay Carael East to run in the last Sangguniang Kabataan Election and ranked third among the seven winners.
Only barely two feet tall, she proudly marched with other SK officials of Carael to the stage and she was carried by a colleague upon reaching the stairs, then she was to sit alongside Mayor Belen Fernandez for photo shoots after they took their oaths of office at CSI Stadia.
Asked by DWPR broadcaster Lina Cervantes about the family’s history, Marian admitted it may be the genes in their family citing mom’s sibling who was also borne with short limbs, a little longer than hers, and with missing fingers in one hand.
But except her short limbs, everything else about Marian is normal.
She said she is the only short person in her family as her two siblings and parents have normal heights but she said her disability did not hinder her from her dream to pursue a college education and be professional someday.
Marian is presently a fourth year in college taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at the University of Pangasinan where she is an acknowledged student leader and always ready to give advice to classmates with problems of any kind.
Asked by Cervantes if she finds difficulty going to school because of her height, Marian admitted her parents bring her to school and fetch her after class.
During the SK election, Marian garnered 600 votes among the more than 1,000 registered SK voters of Carael. Her candidate for SK chairman lost, but there were four of them in their ticket that won seats for kagawad.
She said she was confident she was going to win a seat before the election after her fellow SK members came to her and pledged their votes because they knew she is an achiever.
“As SK kagawad now, I can help our fellow members more,” she said.
Asked if there are single men out to win her heart, she gave an impish smile and said, “yes” and “there are some”.
She called on other youth with disabilities that they should never be ashamed of their physical disabilities that God has given them and to stay positive and confident always. (Leonardo Micua)
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