Danger from our pro-US attitude

By July 14, 2024Out of the fire

By Gonzalo Duque 


IN the United States today, activists are tearing down statues of different historical heroes from as far back as the American Revolution against British autocratic rule, the Civil War and down to World War II.

They consider these memorials as irrelevant today and began tearing them down even at the risk of breaking federal laws.

Here in our country, we still celebrate and honor many of the representatives of the imperialists, i.e., Spaniards, Americans and Japanese.

Whether honoring these people improve the real estate value of places, is not our concern.

While we have treated the American as big brother and idolized Uncle Sam as our savior, we note with sadness that the American government  has not really treated us well, except giving us just the equivalent of bread crumbs in economic benefits.

This pro-American attitude by most Filipinos has been going on for a long, long time and there are still many of our kababayans who would fight to death to defend their pro-American stand.

History would teach us, my friends, that this love for America was instilled in our educational system, especially in our 1971 and 1987 Constitutions that adopted English and Pilipino as our national languages.

I even recall that there was a time when our old friends, Manue Cases of La Union, and Bartolome Cabangbang and many of their followers were espousing a move that the Philippines become the 5lst state of the United States, virtually making us psychologically dependent on the graces of Uncle Sam.

Today, because of this attitude, many of our countrymen are still pinning their hopes on the good graces of Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam then was the protector of democracy in the Far East. However, from 1950s to the 1990s and at the turn of the century, the U.S. transitioned as policeman of the world and would not waste time in sending troops to countries where it feels democracy is being threatened.

Today, this posture is being seriously challenged by China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Iraq and may be Saudi Arabia, which is now slowly distancing from the U.S.

My good friend, Raul Lambino, even begged the Chinese ambassador to caution his country from using its hypersonic missile against the Philippines since Russian president Vladimir Putin has been telling all along that the Americans have installed their missiles in the Philippines directly facing China, making our country as an attraction for Chinese aggression.

All we need to do now is to beg to the Chinese government to desist from its plan to destroy our country for being a puppet if not lackey to the Americans.

But let us just pray the rosary as advised by Archbishop Soc. Villegas, which he and his flock are now doing daily for 50 days seeking God’s protection for the Philippines from communist China.

Mayron pa ba tayong magagawa, Raul?

*          *          *          *

Methinks that any proposed reconciliation between the Magic 7 and Mayor Belen Fernandez and her group is already out of the question. 

 This after I saw  the order of the judge of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities for the arraignment and pre-trial of the case filed against Councilor Redford Christian Erfe-Mejia by Councilors Michael Fernandez and Jeslito Seen. 

 Ano, magkakasundo pa ba kayo o hindi na? Malamang hindi na.

 The other case filed by Vice Mayor Bryan Kua et al against Erfe-Mejia, Serafin Alipio Fernandez, and Charinna Victoria Lim-Acosta remains pending.

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