Your Honor
By Virginia Jasmin Pasalo
ON 12 May 2025, we are going to elect those who will govern our country, the ones we will be calling, “Honorable”, whether they deserve it or not. Most of those we elected could not even pass a regular job interview, but had been entrusted by the majority with overwhelming trust. For a dance. For an expletive. For entertainment. For loyalty. For a can of sardines. For a kilo of rice.
We blame the government for the state of affairs we are in, but bear the incompetence, tolerate the corruption, unmindful of the insidious assault on our core beings. We are responsible. We are victims only if we want to be.
Social media is now flooded with vermin, fake news peddlers who prey on our emotions and vulnerabilities. Our schools, the churches and other institutions failed to equip us with the critical thinking we need to distinguish the truth from the lies. We are prey to the manipulations of social media who regard us only as potential customers to products and politicians being peddled.
In farming, after threshing, where the grain is separated from its stalk, the grain is further processed to separate the grain from the chaff and other debris. This is called winnowing. “Separating the grain from the chaff” is an expression derived from this process which means to distinguish the truth from the untrue. We must learn from these farming practices to refine what we take in as food, not only for our bodies, but most importantly, to feed our minds.
We are responsible for our own well-being and as citizens, the well-being of our country. To reiterate my FB post dated 15 March 2025 entitled “Manage your hysteria”: Responsible citizenship means to go to the source of information, countercheck with reliable searches, and understand what’s being said and unsaid before making judgment and passing on your narrative of the subject. Avoid sharing your ignorance.
Your Honor
a bully rising
to the highest rungs of public service
action stars acting, unable to enact
in the august halls of lawmaking
wannabes “Hague-ing”, hoping
to hug their own levels
of incompetence
” Honorables ” flaunting hubris
celebrating ignorance
sharing ignorance, succeeding
trashing competent women
and the mob cried out,
“Brutus is an honorable man!”
chanting prayers of deliverance
to the God they mocked
Stay the course, tap on the energy of your inner being. The enormous money you make as a troll, or as a public relations (PR) firm promoting the unqualified and the corrupt, or in exercise of your loyalty and gratitude to politicians who, from the people’s taxes, had given you favors, will last only in this lifetime. There is an afterlife, and cash is not the legal tender.
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