Armi Bangsal

By June 30, 2024G Spot

By Virginia Jasmin Pasalo


SHE is gone. I grieve for the loss of a very good friend. I don’t know how long grief lasts, but it comes with the memories of pain and joy. I have selected some poems inspired by her over our long journey together. Salute to a very brave woman, an army of one. In leaving this mortal existence it is “as if, the angels descended barefoot, not so in a hurry, snatched the rain and flew.”

The wailing wall

like sunflowers
her limbs followed the sun
basking in the morning
perishing at sunset,
scorched by the heat
frozen in the cold
dancing to a dead beat
the wall watches
and suffocates in the dust
of a memory, painful secrets
that time forgot, coming back
in the layers of pain,
being washed by the rain
off a child’s ashen face
and the wall wept.


The joy of pain

I can understand you this way,
an element living the way it should be,
a pattern of untamed waves
moving to release its energies
in an atmosphere of madness
and sanity, or both
a pain creeping into itself
cutting deep, without blood,
occupying spaces within
and without, inflicting its sadness
on a chain of vessels, wallowing
in emptiness, but deriving,
experiencing happiness
in living, again
the sadness


there’s a passageway where dreams remain
as possibilities, and the pain is but a prelude
a price to be paid …..

you could have smiled a little more
if not for a glitch in the universe
or the whim of an angel prone to mischief
and the vulnerability of a beloved trapped
within his own desolation

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