The househelp as a Woman of Substance
By Rex Catubig
Note: This is a continuation of our tribute to the simple ordinary woman. Last week, due to space constraint, a couple of lines meant to paint the contrast between the two types of women who work the “night shift”, and the metaphorical coda at the end, got penciled out. But you may read the unedited version online complete with photos.
JESSICA Soho’s magazine show that lovingly recounted the reunion after seven decades of a simple househelp and her American ward, conjured the magical times my cousins and I had with our housemaid. More than the cleaning, cooking, and washing of clothes that she did, this simple minded woman with barely an education, became our wonder woman travel guide through life’s wondrous moments.
I remember how we would skip taking our afternoon nap, (a must during my youth), and we would excitedly gather around her and prevail upon her to tell us stories. Starting out reluctantly, she would embark on a dreamlike odyssey, take us to neverland, and introduce us to these valiant figures who gallantly rise above their predicament against all odds. In one instance, the mighty hero was buried neck deep in the ground by his enemies. But by sheer survival skill and true grit, he cleverly extricated and freed himself, then rallied victoriously his troop to freedom.
At our young age, her stories of triumphal adventures of ordinary folk, taught us that life was not meant to be an easy ride. It is a rough and tumble game with the gods and powers-that-be. But one can ride through the bumps, outwit the machinations of life and with forceful will, strength of character and uncompromising valor, emerge victorious.
These primeval lessons that this unlettered woman culled instinctively from her fertile imagination, and which she passed on to us in colorful storytelling, provided us with our primary education way before we could even read the Caton.
The female househelp was the first Thomasite in our barrio. There was no fanfare to announce her arrival. She came simply and unobtrusively to the household. And she did not come with an array of books but rather, just a woven bamboo suitcase of wonderful stories that inspired and molded young minds.
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