Inspiring people

By Farah G. Decano


CITIZENS must be quick to commend traits that are worthy of emulation while vociferously denouncing conducts that are reckless, malicious, and inimical to common good. By constantly declaring their ideals and their displeasures, the populace is setting the standards and values with which the collective should abide.

 Hence, I thought of conveying my admiration and gratitude to some people this week.

Let me start with Mayor Pedro “Pete” Merrera. Stories about public officials rejecting S.O.P’s, otherwise known as illegal commissions from suppliers and contractors, are seldom heard nowadays. Recently, one opposition village leader intimated to me that while he does not agree with his Mayor’s policies, he absolves his chief executive of corruption.  “Anggapon balot so narerengelan ko na sikato ed unkekerew,” he said.  “Bilib ak ed sikato.”

Nanlayag so dalin.”  This is a Pangasinan idiom which literally means that the earth has ears.  It is a figure of speech for “no secrets can be kept.”

For those who hold choke powers in government such as the local chief executives, sanggunian members, finance officers, and the bids and awards committee members, please know that contractors and suppliers talk in whispers behind your back.  They see no reason to develop loyalty and concern to those who are insatiably greedy. In fact, they are more than willing to identify to their peers who among government officials are “masiba.”

Let’s face it – people gossip. If they must talk about you, you had better make sure it is always a good one for the sake of your family and your future generations. One must leave them a good name to be proud of.

So kudos to you, Mayor Merrera.  Even an opposition leader does not deny your honesty in your dealings. Continue to be so, and you will definitely mark Merrera as a good name for your descendants to enjoy.

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Like evil deeds, it bears stressing that kindness does not go unnoticed.  Because of the untimely passing of Vice President for Academic Affairs, Marina Ordonez Abella of the Lyceum Northwestern University (LNU), many of those whom she had helped surfaced on social media and expressed their shock and sadness. They recounted the times they were assisted by the senior educator, and profusely praised her solutions-based approach to problems.

 I, too, have my own story to tell. As a greenhorn Dean of the College of Law, I frequented VP Abella’s office for suggestions.  She always welcomed me with a smile and cool demeanor. Whenever confronted with an issue, the senior official readily gave me advise like a mother to a child. She trusted my efforts and always gave her imprimatur in whatever endeavour I initiated.  She has taken me into her fold and guided me well.  Other Deans say of the same things about her. Truly, VP Abella’s passing made a lot of Deans like me feel orphaned. Mahusay at laging naasahan si VP Abella.

 Kudos, VP Abella.  You have done well.  

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Thank you to Mayor Belen T. Fernandez for the construction of road and drainage in Pagasa Village, Arellano Street, Dagupan City.  For as long as I can remember, residents, boarders, and passersby including tricycles, had been complaining about the dismal and deteriorating state of our interior’s thoroughfare.   Finally, we need not endure anymore the health hazards of the floods caused by the rains and the rising tides, the puddles, the muddy and rough roads. We can now say goodbye to the annoying flies, wrigglers, and mosquitos as we traverse the newly paved paths.

Initially, the city government could not improve our pathways because they were privately owned.  Because Mayor Belen successfully persuaded these owners to donate the road lots to the city government, then the development by the latter became possible. The almost impossible was made possible by Mayor Belen.  Salamat po.

The residents and apartment owners in Pagasa Village are also grateful to the donors of the road lots namely the Coquias, the Fernandezes, and the Sisons.  These families could have asked the City to shell out a good amount of money but they chose to generously waive it.  Our hats off to the donors.  Salamat din sa inyo.

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