Collective examination
By Atty. Farah G. Decano
BEFORE going for confession, I remember using a guide on the proper examination of conscience which to me was a list of thorough, on point and detailed questions about how we fulfill God’s ten commandments. This helped me with my apologies and reparation for my sins.
We do not have similar ten commandments for the Filipino nation but perhaps we could pattern ten mandates based on the former so we could collectively examine ourselves as Filipinos.
- Thou shalt not prioritize foreign interests.
Have we granted projects to truly qualified foreign suppliers of medicines or foreign contractors? Have we patronized Filipino products more than those made from abroad? Have we given aliens undeserved special treatment to the prejudice of Filipinos?
- Thou shalt not justify evil deeds by using
Filipinos’ welfare as an excuse.
Do we applaud extrajudicial killings of suspected criminals who have been denied their day in court? Do we grant foreigners some unreasonable and unlawful territorial/economic access on the pretext that it is good for the Philippine economy? Do we allow unregulated online gambling on the ground that it provides employment and entertainment for Filipinos?
- Thou shalt celebrate our day of
independence with solemnity.
Do we sincerely appreciate what it means to be a true sovereign? Do our policies get dictated by foreigners? What have we done to assert our independence from alien domination or to discard colonial mentality?
- Thou shalt honor our heroes properly.
Do we clearly teach our young what patriotism is? Do we inculcate in them the virtues of those who truly loved our country? Do we confuse the youth by honoring the thieves and the corrupt?
- Thou shalt not kill.
Do we use economic power excessively to the extent of disabling citizenry from earning a living? Do we share our blessings in times of disaster? Do we report unusual activities in order to deter possible terrorism or any criminal act?
- Thou shalt protect our loved ones.
Do we work too much to the prejudice of our family? Do we impose so much work on employees that they fail to make time for their partners and children? Do we protect our relationships by staying faithful and committed? Do we observe the best interest rule for our children?
- Thou shalt not steal.
Do we dip our fingers in government funds unlawfully? Do we bribe government officials? Do we grab others’ identities or achievements to further our own careers? Do we buy or sell votes?
- Thou shalt not spread fake news.
Do we get paid for creating fake news? Do we share fake news without fact-checking? Do we bash individuals excessively and unreasonably?
- Thou shalt not covet a government
position when undeserving.
Do we seek government positions even if undeserved just because we have connections or money? Do we manifest in our actions the dignity of the position we hold? Do we treat government positions as if they are part of our estate?
- Thou shalt preserve our only home for the succeeding generations.
Do we consider how we impact the environment in the conduct of our lives? Do we help reduce, recycle and reuse waste? Do we openly condemn illegal practices such as dynamite fishing and illegal logging?
Of course, anybody can make his/her own examination of conscience for the nation. What is important is that we do not commit the same mistakes to avoid any repetition of any bleak part of our history.
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