G Spot

By December 5, 2016G Spot, Opinion

Women on the verge


By Virginia Pasalo


HAVE you ever felt strongly for someone that he encroaches, without permission, in your consciousness? He is in your dreams. He is on your daydream. He is like the internet, he can find you anywhere, he is in Pet Rescue Saga, except that, you become the pet trapped in the wires, too far from the balloon that should burst to set you free.

And you say, “Okay, I’ve been there before, I can deal with this, I am a strong woman, I am woman, if I cannot free myself, then I will wait till this feeling wears out, evolves into something else, gets fermented into wine, or dissipates in the rain. If not, I can cut my hair again, there is really no need to split hairs over something that has not happened, something that is only happening in my mind.” So far, ha ha.

The thing is, the feeling is not going away, it is warming up, slowly burning, like coal burning, fuelling something that you could not put your fingers on. He has occupied your mind, the way Occupy Wall Street spawned a global movement against social and economic inequality worldwide. He has claimed sovereign territory, the way Gaza, Syria and Lebanon were occupied, systematically, with a central mechanism and strategy. He has occupied your nerve center, and you have no idea how to make him die.

In fact, you tried to murder him in your mind, with every conceivable weapon you can imagine, but he lives, consistently digging your grave, in your own backyard.

Time to give up? No, you tell yourself, time does everything, time will eventually make him an epitaph, “Here lies….. what’s his name again?”

Victory at last! You salute a worthy opponent, a fellow murderer, you have committed a perfect crime, no traces, even his ashes became part of the forest. You are yourself again. You have forgotten, even your name.


 Sapot na genggeng

sapot na genggeng

so ilol mo

agak la makaekal

ed dilam

ya man-alagar

ya mangakmon

ed siak


Spider web

your saliva

is a spider web

there is no escape

from  your tongue

waiting to feast

on me

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