Random Thoughts
THE ABORTED HALO-HALO ESCAPADE. It’s during the love month when lovers are most expressive in their emotions. And two lovers, both school principals but assigned to different schools in the third district, already in their past 40s, would not want to be left behind and set their secret date.
They ordered halo-halo, perhaps to temper their hot feelings, in a restaurant along de Venecia Highway extension, Dagupan City.
Alas, it’s a small world for them after all. Two other female school principals, from San Carlos City, suddenly arrived in the same restaurant, to have their merienda, too.
The two alert lovers saw them and casually walked away but one of the principals noticed the car of Mr. Romantico with his Irog Ko before the two could drive out. Buking yung dalawang kumikiringking!
The two female chikadorang principals naturally started to merrily talk about what they saw when a waitress approached them and asked the whereabouts of the two sweet lovers seated on a table beside them. The poor waitress had a problem – who would pay for the lovers’ bill?
The sympathetic principals offered to pay for the lovers’ halo-halo. “Charge to experience,” being at the right place at the right time, said the duo. This is one situation when “the send me the bill” style (by the lovers) cannot apply. – Tita Roces
THE LONG WAIT. It’s been like three years now that our province, the third most populous in the country, continues to be deprived of a permanent police director. How many more months or years must the province have to wait for national government or whoever is in charge in Camp Crame to decide on a permanent police leadership in Pangasinan? How many more reports in the media are needed to prompt action?
I learned during the KBP Forum last Feb. 12 that Gov. Amado Espino Jr. has written the PNP bosses to finally name a permanent PD, regardless of whoever the person may be even if he, as the Governor, is not allowed to exercise his privilege to pick his choice.
The Governor is right in his observation that an OIC suffers from many constraints. Morale and sense of responsibility are issues for the OIC. How can he take the fight against criminality seriously when he can’t even be assured that he still remain in his position the following day.
This is so frustrating. – Johanne Macob
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