General Admission

‘Noy, I’m just trying to help

By Al S. Mendoza

IS P-Noy playing his role to the hilt?

Not really.

If we go by his Inaugural speech whereby he said the people are his Boss, how come he has insisted on pinning more taxes on motorists using the SLEX when there’s a strong objection to this?

Once that’s carried out, prices of prime commodities like rice, vegetables and meat will shoot up as traders will naturally try to recover “lost ground” at the expressway.

Simple logic:  Virtually all new taxes imposed will punish the people because they bear the brunt of the chain reaction resulting in price movements.

The truth is, traders won’t be hurt that much.  It’s the common tao that suffers from a new, government-imposed tax.

And to think that one of P-Noy’s main promises during the campaign was not to impose new taxes once he gets elected—the SLEX tax being one of them.

P-Noy may have his reasons, but a people long suffering from abject poverty and want will never understand.

Seemingly, therefore, P-Noy is hurting his Boss.  And that’s not good.

I will never hurt my Boss.

Perhaps, the only time I can hurt my Boss is, maybe, when I point out to him what I feel is something bad emanating from his office, or that a decision-in-the-making won’t be beneficial to everyone concerned.

He might take it to mean I am disputing his judgment.

But the truth of the matter is, I’m just trying to help.

Now, if he thinks I’m wrong, fine.  I have two options:  Quit, or ride along.

I guess, I’d quit.  On matters of principle, there’s no second thought.

But I’m not quitting on P-Noy.  N’yet.

It’s still too early in the day.

Although the signs are there—he has named a confirmed golf cheat as his customs commissioner, for one—I’m willing to keep my cool.

I am not also totally sold to his first three Executive Orders but I’m keeping my peace.

No. 1 was the creation of the Truth Commission.

No. 2 was the firing of all “midnight” appointees of Ate Glue.

No. 3 was voiding Ate Glue’s EO 883 declaring all state lawyers as Career Executive Service Officer (Ceso) Rank III without taking Ceso examinations.

In all three, there seems to be too much government involved.

Jefferson was the first to correctly point out that too much government diminishes the government.

What truth will the Truth Commission ferret out?

Its creation is just a waste of time and money.

Not all “midnight” appointees are bad.  Sweeping.

Review EO 883, maybe, but not to totally kill it.  Arrogance at work here.

I believe Noynoy’s a good guy. I’m not so sure, though, about his men.


Happy birthday to Pareng Julian Apostol (Aug. 17), our Election Officer in Mangatarem, who is the good neighbor of my Pareng Mel Estrada, our hard-working Municipal Assessor. Cheers!

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