Alaminos barangay kagawad shot dead

A barangay kagawad of Victoria, Alaminos City was shot dead by a still unidentified suspect in the afternoon of July 3, 2024 at the village’s covered court.

The victim, Recto Tabua alias Romeo, 57, was sitting inside the covered court when he was attacked by the suspect.

The suspected gunman man wearing black helmet, jacket and denim pants arrived, parked his motorcycle and went inside the covered court where he positioned himself behind the victim.

He drew a pistol and shot the victim in the back then shot him again before fleeing the crime scene.

Three fired cartridge cases of caliber .45 were recovered at the crime scene.

Tabua was brought by concerned residents to Western Pangasinan District Hospital but was declared dead on arrival.

Investigators are establishing the motive behind the killing. (Eva Visperas)

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