By August 27, 2023Peace and Order

By Ahikam Pasion

10-year-old kid drowns during family outing

A 10-year-old child died when he drowned in a beach in Agno town.

Family of the victim Alexander John Camaso of Barangay Dolaon, went to the beach in Sitio Abagatanen in Barangay Macaboboni to swim.

However, when the family members were not looking, Alexander, along with two cousins who are also minors, rushed to the beach only to find themselves being swept away to the deeper part of the beach, and battered by waves.

The family members managed to save the two, but Alexander was found lifeless, floating after a few hours. He was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival.

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Water refilling station helper wounded in San Carlos shooting

HITMEN riding in tandem shot and wounded a 39-year-old man in San Carlos City.

Victim Michael Sanchez Ramos, resident of Barangay Malacañang just arrived for work in a water refilling station in Barangay Bacnar when a still unidentified man alighted from a motorcycle nearby, and shot Ramos twice using a caliber 45 pistol.

The assailant quickly rode off with his partner, and escaped towards Barangay Caingal.

Ramos was rushed to the hospital and is currently under treatment.

Motive behind the shooting is still under investigation.

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Seven injured in separate Sual accidents due to slippery road

SEVEN persons were hurt in two separate vehicular accidents in Barangay Caoayan, Sual town.

First incident occurred when a truck aluminum wing van being driven by Jomar Padilla of Candaba, Pampanga stepped on the brakes while negotiating the steep slope in the area, but lost control and hit the oncoming SUV driving uphill driven by Marichu Sy Reyna, 40, of Dagupan City, and three others.

All individuals in the SUV were injured, but Padilla was unscathed.

In a separate incident, another truck being driven by Randy Maure, 48, of Barangay Poblacion Norte in Sison town also lost control of the vehicle along the slippery slope and steered to opposite lane  hitting victims riding motorcycle riders Richard Fortes Narbonita, 37, of Barangay Santa Ana, Agoo, La Union town, and Jefferey Oliveros, 37, of Barangay Santa Rosa in Santa Maria town, and backrider Dona Mae Radam Ursulam, 22, of Pangascasan, Sual.

The three individuals were rushed and treated at the hospital.

Police warn motorists to drive very slowly, as the steep and zigzag roads in Barangay Caoayan are slippery during rains.

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