SP majority refuses to release written manifestation in advance

By June 10, 2024Inside News

FOLLOWING another heated debate, the majority in the Dagupan Sangguniang Panlungsod again rejected the request of the minority bloc to be furnished with the former’s written manifestation in advance to allow it to study the matter in order to produce quality legislation.

Councilor and Minority Floor Leader Michael Fernandez noted that the majority’s written manifestation was again attached to the agenda of the SP regular session, normally distributed to the councilors and vice mayor, every Friday afternoon.

He lamented that the written manifestations of position of the majority councilors on specific measures were handed to the minority councilors at the start of sessions.

Consequently, the presiding officer called for five or 10-minute recess to allow the minority councilors to read the majority’s written manifestation.

In response, Minority Councilor Redford Erfe-Mejia said the majority bloc is not obliged to provide its written manifestation to the minority in advance, that it is its prerogative to decided when to issue its manifestations.

Minority Councilor Alfie Fernandez added that providing the advance copy of the manifestations “would be quite unfair to the majority… since their votes would be prone to ambush by the minority.”

He said the minority should consider itself “lucky” because the copy is given it at the start of the session… and still given 5-10 minutes to study.”

Minority Floor Leader Fernandez rebutted and said providing a copy of the written manifestation in advance “is part of procedural due process.”

Minority Councilor Alvin Coquia then dared the minority bloc to also submit its own written manifestations. (Leonardo Micua)

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