Housewife wins against incumbent kapitan via ‘draw lot’

By November 5, 2023Inside News

A housewife, Shirley Mejia, secured victory over the incumbent barangay chairperson of Lobong, San Jacinto, through a ‘draw lot’ supervised by the electoral board, composed of teachers from Lobong Elementary School.

As reported by Bombo Radyo Dagupan, the canvassing of votes concluded with both Mejia and Maximo Tangalin tied with 815 votes, necessitating a ‘draw lot’ to break the deadlock after the poll inspectors verified their tallies, confirming the equal count of 815 votes.

It was the Municipal Election Officer of San Jacinto that ordered the resolution by draw lot  or any other mutually agreed-upon method, provided that both parties agreed.

During the draw lot, Mejia drew a piece of paper featuring a star and was declared the winner of the election for barangay captain of Lobong.

In recounting the process, Mejia revealed that although Tangalin had consistently led in the vote count, she managed to catch up in the few remaining ballots, leading to the ultimate tie between herself and Tangalin. Mejia expressed her disbelief at her victory, particularly given her humble circumstances, and expressed a mix of emotions, including joy and astonishment.

“I could not believe that a poor candidate like me won in this election,” said Mejia with mixed emotions. (Leonardo Micua )

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