DOH Bakunahang Bayan2 held in Malasiqui

By December 12, 2022Inside News

THE Department of Health (DOH) – Ilocos Region and the Malasiqui local government launched the “Bakunahang Bayan Part 2: PINASLAKAS Special Vaccination Days” on December 5-8, 2022.

The three-day vaccination sought to reach the national targets for vaccination and booster coverage in the country by making primary series and booster doses accessible through the settings-based approach by focusing on service delivery close to homes, communities and workplaces.

Regional Director Paula Sydiongco said vaccination is still most effective way for children who are 5-years old and above to prevent COVID-19  infection.

The regional office and the Pangasinan provincial health office set up vaccination sites in various public places including malls, markets and plazas.

During the 3-day vaccination activity, all individuals five (5) years old and above are eligible for the administration of primary dose series, all 12 years old and above are eligible for the administration of booster/additional doses, second booster doses may be given to the most at risk population which includes medical frontliners, immune-compromised individuals, individuals 50 years old and above, and adults 18 to 49 years of age with comorbidities. (DOH)

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