Sto. Tomas bags another Guinness World Record title
STO. TOMAS—This town has proven once more that being small is not a terrible thing but a terrific thing because it can accomplish anything it sets out to do. This time, it clinched another Guinness World Record (GWR) title: The Longest Line of Tables.
In an e-mail Tuesday to Mayor Timoteo Villar III, the GWR’s Records Management Team, wrote: “We are thrilled to inform you that your application for Longest line of tables has been successful and you are now the Guinness World Record Title Holder!”
The email informed Villar that he will get the Guinness World Records certificate in the mail soon. “Congratulations, you are Officially Amazing!,” the emailed letter added.
For setting up a six- kilometer long uninterrupted line of tables on April 2, the town
broke Alexandria, Egypt’s record of 4.3 kilometers of long line of tables.
“Everybody here once again showed how unity can pave the way towards attaining another crown from the prestigious authority of world’s outstanding achievements,” Villar said. “This is, indeed, another pride of our humble town and another proof that our unity is the key to achieving greater honor for our municipality,” he added.
He said the town is “living up to its reputation for many generations now as having the most disciplined, cooperative and united people”.
He thanked the town’s initial leaders: former Dangerous Drugs Board Chairman Antonio Villar Jr and his wife Vivien Villar, his uncle and aunt who both served as mayors for many years, for their legacy of model public service.
“They have imbibed in the townsfolk the value of respect and unity that can result in achieving success for the town,” the mayor said.
Although the town is the smallest in Pangasinan, it already earned a GWR title for Longest Barbecue on Feb. 11, 2008 during the term of then Mayor Vivien Villar.
The same long line of tables was used for another attempt at a Guinness record: The Longest Picnic Line, where the townsfolk partook of adobong Sto. Tomas con maiz, a local recipe that features the town’s One Town, One Product, the white glutinous corn.
Its Picnic Line served a total of 3,711 kilos of meat, 3,600 kilos of mixed vegetable and 57 cavans of rice. The documentation for the Longest Picnic Line will be submitted to GWR soon, Villar said.
The town hopes to wrest the Longest Picnic Line title with its 4,303 meters long table from City of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada’s 2,277 meters record. (Eva Visperas)
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