Doing the right thing
AS the euphoria over Pope Francis’ visit begins to fade away, the usual skeptics and cynics among us have been quick to say “back to regular programming” – back to our accepted old habits of indifference, apathy and corruptive norms.
Is it? Perhaps so if we, as individuals don’t help “to break the bonds of injustice and oppression which give rise to glaring, and indeed scandalous, social inequalities for justice” in our respective individual lives.
It is simply a call to every Pangasinense to do his/her share to do what is right for the family and the community, to help make our politicians “ to be outstanding for honesty, integrity and commitment to the common good.” He challenged each of us “to reject every form of corruption which diverts resources from the poor….”
It is about what can we do for and with your family and friends for your community today…and tomorrow.
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What now, my brethren?
LEARN to receive. Learn to beg. Learn to love. All from Pope Francis.
He tells us we know how to give. But more than giving, he says there is need to also value the art of receiving, begging and loving.
Indeed, it is easy to give, especially if you have something to spare. That is one of man’s most natural good habits.
But receiving, begging and loving?
We are not prone to receiving; our shy-laden culture sees to that. Thus, we—particularly the righteous and upright—tend to reject gifts, at times profusely.
We just don’t beg, as in begging for forgiveness; we are at times too overly proud that we ignore humility’s godly trait.
We can’t love enough that handing out loose change to street beggars becomes, oftentimes, a reluctant reflex.
Needless to say, therefore, the Pope’s visit would mean a better world for us from hereon if we took his words with all our mind, our heart and our strength.
Let his words not go to waste.
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