PHO reinforces maternal health campaign

By March 30, 2014Inside News, News

THE Provincial Health Office (PHO) has stepped up its program for maternal health improvement with its new campaign dubbed “Anak ko, Buhay ko, Mahal ko“.

Anna Velasco of the PHO, speaking during the weekly KBP forum on March 27, said they new campaign will be launched the Buntis Congress on April 3.

“Although we have good performance in terms of facility-based delivery…we need to encourage all pregnant women to have their regular check-ups in any of the 68 rural health units in the province,” Velasco said.

The PHO has achieved 92% facility-based delivery, higher than the 90% target.

In terms of trust rating on skilled birth attendants in the province including doctors, midwives, and nurses, those surveyed gave a 95% score.

PHO is encouraging families, especially the mothers of pregnant women, to urge their child to have regular a check-up, as its survey indicates that expectant mothers listen to their own mothers on matters of pregnancy.

The PHO also conducts community assemblies and focus group discussions in schools and villages tackling maternal health and safe sex.

Improving maternal health is one of the global millennium development goals.–Johanne R. Macob

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