Water quality boosts Binmaley aqua products

By January 25, 2014Business, News


BINMALEY—This town marked its 4th Sigay Festival last week and it had plenty to celebrate with the continued boom of its aquaculture industry.

Municipal Agriculture Officer Fernando Ferrer said the town’s claim as the “fishbowl” of the region, as well as having the largest in-land fishpond in the region, is stronger than ever with production continuously increasing over the years mainly due to sound management of their river system.

Ferrer said the removal of structures such as fish pens and fish cages from the rivers, as implemented by the local government, has resulted in improved water quality and better harvests.
“There was no massive fish kill since 2004,” he added.
At present, there are 2,752 hectares of brackish water pond dedicated mainly for bangus (milkfish) production while 109.5 hectares of fresh water pond are mainly for tilapia production. The town also produces prawn, vannamei, and malaga.
There are more than 2,000 pond owners and operators in 32 of the 33 villages, mostly involved in bangus production.


Ferrer said that the town’s average production per year is at 2.5 to 2.7 tons per hectare, most of which are bangus.

The first-class fishponds reach three croppings per year while rain-fed ponds remain at one cropping.

Bangus fry fingerlings are sourced from Bonuan in Dagupan, Saranggani in Davao Occidental, and Indonesia and the yields are mainly delivered at Malimgas Market in Dagupan City.
The other aqua-products  — malaga, prawn, vannemei, and tilapia  — are cultured in just a few ponds. .—Johanne R. Macob

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